Monday, January 25, 2016

Crossing It Off

Lists, lists, lists. You can probably already guess that I am a Type A personality. While I do not reflect a Type A personality in the organization (or lack of) in my apartment, my school work sure does. I am a person who thrives off of being busy, off of having a million things to do, and off of being constantly involved in anything I am a part of. If you have experienced a high level of satisfaction by crossing off each meeting you had on a Wednesday in your agenda, then you and I have a lot in common.

As the semester has just begun, so have I. I filled in all my test and homework assignments in my agenda. . . and in my phone calendar, as well as my laptop calendar (there’s the Type A in me). But this semester will be different, I am only taking twelve credit hours, one of which is an independent study requiring no actual classroom time, so my work load is a little less than average. Additionally, I am on “senior status” in my sorority, meaning I attend much fewer activities. This semester already is different, and I think I will be okay.

As a last-semester senior, I have new things to add to a list, including price checking and comparing apartments in all the major cities open to relocation for my job post graduation. This transition will be a new turn in my career path, and I am certain many other seniors can agree. While we have been traveling along our career paths all along these past four years, we are entering into a new set of twists and turns. I, for one, am more excited for these next years than I could have ever imagined. I am already looking forward to crossing off items on a new type of list.

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