Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snowmageddon 2011!

By: Stephanie Grebe
This week, our team had a very interesting obstacle, SNOW! 

The blizzard truly shut down the Purdue community for 2 entire days. Campus was closed, power went out, and our team had trouble staying connected.  This was a very interesting dilemma, because the LACD team is always in constant contact with one another. We are also preparing for a HUGE event in 3 weeks, Liberal Arts Career Week that consists of over 18 events and 2 nationally acclaimed guest speakers. We need all the time we can get!

It made me realize that while the team dynamic is so important in a work environment, it is also crucial to be independent and self-motivated. Sometimes disasters happen; there are sicknesses, vacations, weather, and other unforeseen circumstances that can compromise a team's communication and success.

My lesson of the week is to be able to pick up the pieces individually in an emergency. We learned that as a team we need to communicate enough that if a member had to leave, we could continue with our progress. During the snow storm, our interns were able to individually continue with their work, and used their discretion to problem solve.

As a whole, I was proud of what we were able to accomplish individually. Though it definitely affected our work, it did not destroy our progress. Being able to critically examine a situation and not let an emergency stop work is key. The LACD team survived Snowmageddon 2011.

(nothing can stop our fearless director Lisa from getting to the office)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Snowmageddon was an obstacle for sure, but I'm so glad that everyone was able to get work done and really stay on track. These two days could have destroyed our progress toward Career Week, but I think it just showed us our strengths as a team instead!

