Friday, February 25, 2011

Twitter 101: Key Terms

By Megan Fingert             It was such an honor and privilege to speak to students on Social Media day during Career Week 2011. My fellow panelists and I realized after our discussion that many of you may have been lost when we used some Twitter Jargon during our discussion. Because I firmly believe in the power of Social Media in professional brand building, I thought it might be interesting to bring you a series of posts that give you a breadth of information regarding my favorite tool: Twitter.
In your classes, you might receive Key Terms, or definitions, from a book or from your professor that you must memorize or be familiar with if you want to master the material. Twitter is the same way. So, here is a list of 4 key terms that every new tweeter should know.

Hashtag \hæʃtæg\
1.     noun. a word or phrase following a hash symbol, #, that allows twitter users to better organize and categorize their tweets for optimum exposure
Example: Does anyone have a ticket to tonight’s basketball game that they would sell me? #purdue #boilermakers #basketball #BoilerUp
Mention \ˈmen(t)-shən\
1.     noun. when someone places the username of another twitter user into their tweet as to call attention to them or to send them a message
Example: @PurdueLACD Where can I find the lsit of businesses that attended today’s career fair?
Example: It was so nice to see @CRRipley in class today!
Egg \ˈeg, ˈāg\
1.     noun. what a twitter user is called when they have not updated their profile with a picture, referring to the standard egg image that serves as a placeholder for your image until you upload one.
Trending Topic \ˈtrending tä-pik\
1.     a hash tag, word, or phrase that has been mentioned an incredible amount by twitter users in a particular area or across the world.
I hope some of these definitions help you as you discover the professional powers of Twitter! Thank you again to our students and sponsors alike for your support for Career Development and Liberal Arts Career Week 2011.

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