Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Why it's important to go to Career Week.

by: Adam Beasley
We all know it's coming up fast...the dreaded job search. Some of us have already started it and some of us need to get started. This semester I have been talking to a lot of my friends and classmates about their job searches and how they are doing when it comes to finding a job. From what I have found, I have concluded that there are two types of people out there. First, the people who buckle down and find a job. They start looking during the junior year and by senior year either through internships or intense searching they have secured a job. The second type of people wait until their last semester in college to try to find their job. This is the category that most people fall into including myself. It just seems like something that should be put off so that you don't have to go through all the worrying and stress. This post is intended for those people in the second type.

The time is here. We all have to go out and find our futures. Some much rides on us finding a job that we can excel at and create a life around. Now that it is time for us to start finding these jobs it is important that we are prepared to beat out the other competitors when we are applying for those jobs. This is where Career Week , "The 9 to 5 Know How" comes into play. Next week, during the week of February 21st through the 25th, the College of Liberal Arts Career Development will be hosting a career week. Throughout the week you will be able to sharpen your job acquiring skills so that you are able to land that dream job you know you have to have. There will be events that will help make your resumes and cover letters as good as they can be. You can also learn how to balance all your finances and negotiate a starting salary. There will be a variety of speakers that will tell you tips and tricks on how you can mold your job search to fit your style and excel over all the rest. It's not time to panic yet, there is still time to find a great job. You just have to be prepared when the opportunity presents itself and that starts with attending events at this year's Career Week.


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