Wednesday, March 9, 2011

4 ways to successfully balance your time

by: Adam Beasley

1. Start Working
This quite possibly the hardest step to take when it comes to getting your work done. Surprisingly, the key is just sitting down and doing it. The problem with getting work done is the fact that there is so much going on in our lives. It's so much easier to just sit down and watch a television show or surf the internet until you went over the same site maybe two or three times. Facebook is the bane of all work. Farmville!! You need to realize what keeps you from doing work and then remove yourself from a situation that would allow you to do that. Go to a library or a coffee shoppe. You'll be glad you did.

2. Set Aside Time for Yourself
If all you are doing is working then eventually you are going to get burnt out. Set aside some time where you can do whatever you want everyday. It doesn't matter whether that be sitting watching television, reading a book, or hanging out with friends but it does matter that you are putting work off for a bit. Once you've had some time to yourself then you will be able to come back to work and work twice as hard. Plus it gives you an incentive to get your work done.

3. Set Realistic Goals
It easy when you are moving and doing work to put too much into the goals that you want to complete. It is always good to strive to do your best and work hard but if you try to do too much then you can be very disappointed when it doesn't work out. Once you get that feeling of disappointment, it is easy to stop doing work all together because you have lost all of your momentum. Just always make sure set realistic, but challenging goals.

4. Get Sleep
When you are tired you don't do as good as work as if you were wide-awake and ready to go. This is because your brain cannot put all of its focus on a task because it is also preoccupied with trying to find sleep. Make sure you get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep every night and this will put your body on a schedule that will help you become less tired throughout the day. Surprisingly, getting way too much sleep can also have an adverse effect on your work. No joke.

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