Monday, March 28, 2011

Expanding Your Job Search

By Angela Cooley

With spring break come and gone, the end of the school keeps drawing closer and soon-to-be-graduates all over campus are starting to ask each other about their plans for the future.  While some are preparing to pursue an advanced degree, many students are venturing out into the job market, beginning their job search the same place they begin all of their searches: a simple Google search.  There are so many job boards, finding an opening will be a cinch!

Well, that's at least half right... sure, you can find plenty of listings, just like the other 5,000 people who searched "HR jobs."  What many young job-seekers don't understand is that the positions listed on popular job boards are seen and pursued by a ridiculous amount of people, your application can sometimes become a needle in a haystack.  You may send multiple resumes and cover letters to potential employers, refreshing your email incessantly as you anxiously await to be invited to an interview... but then weeks pass, and you never hear a word from those companies.  Your heart sinks; that cheery "Apply Now!" button suddenly seems to mock you...

But fear not!  There is a secret place where many other job opportunities exist, often with even fewer applicants competing for the same position... it's called: "NOT THE INTERNET."  That's right.  You've got to talk to some real, live people.  There are many job openings that are not even "advertised" because posting to the big-name sites costs big-name bucks, so networking and referrals can really help reveal some new opportunities.  Tell everyone you know about the career you're building and hoping to pursue, and what do you know, it might turn out that your friend's boss's aunt knows a guy.  Don't dismiss networking and asking around when looking for a job, because there are still some things Google just can't find.

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