Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Handling Crazy Interview Questions

by: Adam Beasley

I've been thinking a lot about interview questions recently because it's getting close to interview time where we are all going to be trying to compete with each other for jobs. Now I know interviews can be scary with they ask you all kinds of questions and we all feel like we have to come up with perfect answers. But don't worry, it's okay to relax for a bit. I mean I got asked once, "If you were a sandwich, what would you be?" What!? That's sort of question that's tough to answer on the spot, because you don't know what they are getting at by it. But the best thing to do is just take a breath and calm down because it is never going to be as bad as you think. It always seems bad at first but as long as you answer honestly and enthusiastically it will come off in whatever your answer is. Employers aren't looking for the perfect answers and if they are you don't want to be working there. What they are looking for, is someone willing to step up to the plate and give them a straight answer.

Below is article for U.S. News that gives some tips on how to deal with crazy interview questions. Check it out.

The Truth Behind Those Crazy Interview Questions

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