Tuesday, March 1, 2011


by: Adam Beasley

Twitter. The place where people read mindless updates about celebrity's eating habits or lack there of. The place where you can read about your next-door neighbor's continuous updates about his broken relationship with the girl he met in World of Warcraft. The place where you can create a professional network and get a job. Wait...what?!

Twitter is becoming such a huge market for new, young professionals and right now is the best time to start taking advantage of it. Two weeks ago I was a lowly, little egg with no profile picture or tweets. I had started a twitter account but hadn't done a thing to make it my own and to create my own brand. After Career Week last week and the hounding by the other interns I have finally decided to start using Twitter to it's full potential. I can't say it's easy to create a substantial and lasting brand but you have to start somewhere. Read the following blog post off the website of Kyle Lacy, the author of "Branding Yourself" and "Twitter for Dummies" and start to creating your own professional brand.

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