Friday, March 25, 2011

What happens when you Google YOUR name?

By: Stephanie Grebe

It is no secret that the first thing an employer does when they look at a job applicant is Google them. Within seconds, Google can dig up more dirt than you even know you had! From newspaper mentions to awards, blog posts to social media, if it is out there… Google will find it.

So how do you control the content in your top fold so employers are getting a clear representation of YOU? I learned this the hard way. When I Googled my name, several unpleasant things arise.

1) A German Dancer who shares my name with some pretty risqué costumes
2) A young teen who is all things MySpace
3) An open forum discussing a Stephanie Grebe who apparently steals for drug money

None of these are true, nor do I want an employer’s first impression of me to be a dancing drug dealer. So how do you fix this? Personal branding. By creating a unique personal brand that you use on your resume, cover letter, social media, business cards, portfolio, etc., you can control what content can be related back to you.

For example, my brand includes the name of my university, Purdue. On all of my professional documents, Purdue is proudly displayed by my name, helping to distinguish myself as a Purdue University student. When an employer includes that in my Google search, the results are drastically different. They include my blog posts, pod casts, social media, accomplishments, and portfolio. It is much easier to use your brand to control your content, instead of trying to track down all the Stephanie Grebes of the world and asking them to clean up their act.

Other suggestions for creating a brand is using your middle name, maiden name, or even your branding statement. Don't be shy, create a strong brand that is representative of your work, and start using it to create a professional Google identity. My last tip, Google yourself a few times a week to help monitor your online identity!

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