Saturday, April 16, 2011

How to Set up a Tweet Up

By Caitlin Charles
 Social media shows its strengths once again, whether you are looking for connections in the new city you are going to be living in for the summer, or wanting to find a new way to network in your field of interest.  This particular outlet of social media was introduced to me during one of the presentations on COM day this past January.  A company representative discussed the idea of "Tweet-Ups", a concept that, as a new member to Twitter, I had not yet heard of.  I had not thought much about this facet of social media until recently as I continue to look for jobs after school.
As I struggle with my attempts to find that perfect position after graduation, I keep coming back to the importance of networking.  Since that same company representative at COM day also explained that about 80% of job openings are not listed publicly, networking is more important today than ever.  So when you feel you have exhausted your networking resources with outlets such as LinkedIn, scheduling a Tweet-Up can be a great way to meet with other professionals in your area.
A Tweet-Up essentially describes a gathering of people at an event with a common goal or cause, that is set-up through social media connections such as Twitter.  Getting some local professionals in your area to meet in a park for an evening after work this summer would be a great way to network through a Tweet-Up in a comfortable setting.  So when you are trying to network with other professionals through this channel, there are a few tips to keep in mind.
1. Create a theme, or goal for the event that you hope to acheive
2. Develop a list of potential guests that would contribute to that goal, and begin following them on your social media and making initial contact.
3. Be strategic with your planning and do some research on the audience you hope to host.
4. Set a time and place with your theme in mind and begin tweeting to your potential guests on Twitter. Include hashtags such as #roofup for a roof top tweet-up, to allow your guests to follow the conversation.
After you have taken these few steps to create a successful Tweet-Up, take the opportunity to freshen up your 30 second elevator pitch, make sure you have plenty of business cards ready, and start networking!

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