Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Multi-Tasking: How it's Affecting Us

by: Adam Beasley

      After our last LACD meeting, I've been thinking a lot about how multi-tasking is affecting us as professionals. We live in a world that is continuously moving, from sunrise, to deep into the night. As a professional you have to continue to move with the world around you or run the risk of being left behind and forgotten. This is where multi-tasking comes into play. We are expected to handle so many different situations and projects that we get programmed to think in the mindset of quantity over quality. Luckily for many of us, we are so used to doing all these things at once that our quality of work doesn't falter too much.
     The problem is, we get blasted with so much information during our days that our brains have so much to process and then our work can falter. People these days don't have much time to rest their brains during the day. Really, the only time we ever give our mind a rest is during sleep but truthfully that isn't really enough. Even when we are sitting around our home doing nothing, we are still processing information: surfing the internet, watching tv, reading the newspaper. Many people get 6-8 hours of sleep every night but they are still tired because of how hard their mind works during the day. I'm starting to understand why people who meditate on a regular basis live longer than the rest of us.
     Multi-tasking can be good though. It all comes down to how your brains is working under the circumstances and finding the right balance. If you are able to continuously do great work while working on multiple things then you are probably not working yourself into overdrive but if your work is slacking then you have to realize what your limits are. It may seem like your boss wants you to go a hundred miles an hour but they will be much more appreciative if you do good work at a bit slower pace than if you spit out a bunch of lacking work. Just work on realizing your mind's limits. Once you do that, you will be able to handle anything life throws at you.  

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