Friday, September 9, 2011

The New Age of Print Advertising

by: Tiffany Smock

Print advertising is slowly becoming a thing of the past as most agencies opt for a more digital approach to marketing. We most often see them in magazines or on billboards. But the question remains: are they still effective? Is there a way to make them more effective?

 If this kind of advertising was going to compete with the new digital marketing, some drastic changes had to be made. This is exactly what CBS has done. They have introduced new "interactive print ads" to help promote their new shows airing for the fall season. These ads will still be seen in magazines, on billboards, etc. but a new element will allow the viewer to actually see the ad come to life.

 "[The] magazine [will] ask readers to dial a "shortcode" on their mobile phones to see the ads come to life. Readers who take the CBS ads up on its offer will receive text messages with links that summon video showing the motionless ads start moving as the actors and actresses begin talking, leading into clips from the shows."

The article features two of these interactive ads and they truly are a step forward in the world of print advertising. I was very impressed by them and hope to see more things like this in the future. I really advise you to read the article as it gives more detailed information than I've provided.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I thought that print advertising is the best option for low budget advertisers. Advertisers , who want to advertise their business in small area, then Newspaper and magazine ads are best for them.

    Print Advertising
