Monday, October 17, 2011

All-Nighters No More

By: Amanda Norell

We've all been there: the 10-page paper (you know, the one you've been anticipating all semester), due the next day; the midterm worth 50% of your final grade right around the corner; the speech you've been dreading for 2 weeks finally knocking on your door. These can all be pretty stressful situations, but is there really that much reason to worry?

If your paper is due at 8:30AM and you just decide to wing it at midnight, chances are there may be cause to worry. If you have actually taken the time to prepare and have given yourself an adequate amount of time to finish the task, the situation is much less stressful, hence, no worries! This may seem like common sense to many people, but still countless students find themselves pulling all-nighters to eek out a product to turn in the next morning. Now I'm not saying I've never procrastinated--I certainly have--but I'm just giving you, reader, a little food for thought on the matter. Is it really worth the stress?

I've done my share of preparation and procrastination, and I've found that the former to be much more successful for me academically and less strenuous on me physically. Shocking, right? I apologize if this seems pretty cut and dry for you, but sometimes it just needs to be said. And after coming off a week of all-nighters, I can say with certainty that it is not worth the stress/loss of sleep/state of delirium you find yourself in to stay up until tomorrow. And realistically, these habits will not transfer well to the professional world.

Moral of the story: be prepared, stay on top of your work, and try (as hard as it may be for sometimes) not to procrastinate. How can you put your best foot forward if that foot is still asleep?

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