Thursday, November 17, 2011

Obscure Interview Questions

by: Tiffany Smock 

Perhaps one of the most stressful parts of applying for a job is the interview process. It is at that moment when the employer will decide whether to hire you or not; no pressure right? We take classes at school to train and prepare us for the questions employers will ask us; helping to boost our confidence when the day comes. However, within the past ten years or so a new trend has emerged in interview questions that will throw students for a loop.

Interview questions have taken a turn for the "weird and wacky" as employers try to gauge the interviewee's personality. These questions range from asking "what's your favorite color?" to "if aliens landed in front of you and, in exchange for anything you desire, offered you any position on their planet, what would you want?" Pretty wacky right? This new trend is not going to change as employers ask these questions to make you think, think creatively and quickly, and tap into your inner resources and personality components.

Here are a few examples of the obscure interview questions and tips on how to answer and what the employer is looking for.

How many gas stations would you say there are in the United States?
This one displays how you think about solving a large problem. It's about estimation vs. actual calculations and sometimes you can do both.

What makes you angry?
Be careful about admitting to having episodes of anger. Indicate that you handle problems as they arise so that they don't build up to the anger point.

If I assembled 3 of your former supervisors in a room and asked them about you, what would they say about you that you would say is not true?
It would likely be good to say that they all probably would over-praise you; that you worked hard for all your supervisors, but are a humble individual. 

How would you design a spice rack for a blind person?
Any creative answer would be great - Braille labels, "talking" containers, etc.

What would I find in your refrigerator right now?
This would show planning and personality traits.

Why are manhole covers round?
This question is looking for a creative answer.

If you want more tips and questions check out this great article:

Good luck to you all going through the interview process!

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