Sunday, January 22, 2012

Accomplishing a goal: Be S.M.A.R.T. about it!

By Michael Mustradi

Everyone has goals they would like to accomplish throughout their lifetimes.  These goals can be career related, such as becoming an account executive or obtaining that dream job you always wanted.  However, setting a specific goal can be applied to just about anything in life.  Stopping a bad habit, improving overall fitness, or simply being a better person are all goals that many face throughout their lifetime.  But, identifying a goal is the easiest part of the whole process.  The effort and hard work come in when you are figuring out how to achieve the goal.  So, one must select a S.M.A.R.T. goal.  Let me explain:

S= Specific

Vague goals will not get you to where you want to be.  Goals that are achieved successfully are specific and must include a detailed set of actions.  For example, “doing my part to help the environment” is not the best goal, but instead say “I will recycle all paper products.”


You will be much more successful if you have a goal that allows you to measure your progress.  Instead of “being less stressful”, say “exercising on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays to relieve stress.”


Setting an impossible goal will leave you feeling unfulfilled and overcome with the feeling of failure.  But, at the same time, setting a goal that is too easy to attain will not give you the joy of accomplishment.  So, the goal here (no pun intended) is to set a goal that will be challenging but also possible.  If a student earned a GPA of 2.0/4.0, the goal would not be to get a 4.0 next semester, but instead, set a goal of earning a 3.0.


Rewarding yourself for your hard work plays a crucial role when obtaining your goal, but this should be a well thought out reward.  The reward should not undermine the goal.  For example, if your goal was to advance your career position, your reward should not be taking a few days off of work.  Or, if your goal was to lose 15 pounds, you don’t want to reward yourself with a Big Mac and a hot fudge sundae (as good as that may sound).  Instead, when you reach a milestone, reward yourself with getting a massage or purchasing new shoes, etc.


Having deadlines will keep you motivated and on track.  If you plan on running in the marathon during the summer, have deadlines that will help you get to your goal.  The bigger the goal, the more likely you will need more time to achieve that goal.

Even though there are many ways to achieving a goal successfully, the S.M.A.R.T. acronym provides a solid foundation when thinking about goals that you would like to accomplish.

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