Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Facebook Timeline and Why Change is Inevitable

By: Maureen Corbett

Facebook's 800 million users are by now aware of the new timeline layout that the company introduced several months ago. And as more and more people discover this new change, we can see a shift from the old Facebook to the new. Timeline is one of Facebook's most radical change so far, and reactions to this change have varied greatly among Facebook users.

Now if any of you readers are like me, you probably don't like change very much. As we get set in our ways we begin to become comfortable with how things are and tend to get used to the way they have always been. This reminds me of when I first learned how to ride a bike without training wheels. My mother practically had to force me to take the extra set of wheels off, because I didn't understand the point in learning something new. My five year old brain wondered why I would change something that was working perfectly fine?

However it wasn't until the training wheels came off that I realized how expansive change could be. Facebook has proven this as well by thinking outside the box and not being afraid to push the limits of an idea. The new timeline allows users to share their story more visually than ever before with videos, pictures, and posts that date back to when their account was first created. Timeline is also a great advertising tool for companies who want to use the new visual effects of Facebook to their advantage, as well as allowing Facebook to compete with competitors such as Google+. Change has clearly worked in Facebook's favor, and they are reaping the benefits. And the same goes for change in the workplace. We might not enjoy the feeling of learning something new or changing the way our company works, but it can be one of the best ways to seek improvement.

So take those training wheels off already. Switch over to the new timeline if you haven't done so already. Don't be afraid to move out of your comfort zone with your job and expand yourself.

Want tips on how to handle change in your career? Here is an interesting article I found with ten easy tips on how to do so: http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/10things/10-tips-for-dealing-with-change-in-the-workplace/257

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