Thursday, January 19, 2012

Pursuit of a Leader

by: Rebekah Beachum

Hello lovely readers.   This is my second semester as a design intern for LACD, and only my second post (slacking, I know).  Because it’s my second semester and I’m now a senior intern, I’ve been encouraged to step up as a leader and I keep wondering what it looks like to be a leader.

We see really great examples of people that are natural leaders (MLK, President Franklin Roosevelt, etc.) and we see examples of not so great people that are still leaders (Hitler, Stalin).  What do they all have in common that sets them apart and makes them a leader?  Some could say natural charisma, a strong viewpoint, or even the ability to make people feel comfortable in their own skin.  I think one of the things all these people have in common is ‘pursuit’.  Now, I can’t take full credit for this idea, because I saw an article that mentioned it, but pursuit of anything will make a leader.  These people aren’t satisfied with what’s going on naturally- they’re uncomfortable with the status quo and seek to change it.  This kind of pursuit is focused, intentional, and easily transferrable to other skill sets or areas of life.  What a leader pursues hardest defines them.  It tells the world what they value and how they interact with other people.

Pursuit of better leadership, I think, is key to being a leader.  Any leader knows that they will fail, accept it, and are motivated to make that area of their life better.  I’m hoping that this semester, I will desire to become a better leader and, importantly to me, a leader of integrity.  I wish to be a leader that is strong in my convictions, and is more than willing to say that they’re wrong and as willing to correct mistakes.  We’ll see how it goes.  I guess pursuing it couldn’t hurt.  Do you think pursuit is an essential quality for a leader?

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