Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Dress to Impress

By: Julie Smith

The days of sweatpants and oversized sweatshirts need to be over- at least when you are in public anyways. As you are building your professional identity, it is important to dress the part. I am not necessarily suggesting that you wear a business suit every time you leave the house, but merely saying that you should be conscious of your appearance.

You never know who you are going to run into, but looking sophisticated is key. Case and point, in one of my flights from Indianapolis to Minneapolis, I was seated next to a lady in a business suit. We made casual conversation and realized that we both had something in common, Purdue. She then inquired about my year in school and my major. She happened to have a sister who lived in the Minneapolis area and could put me in touch with people to help with my job search. Luckily for me, I was dressed nicely. I was not in business clothes, but I had on a respectable sweater, jeans and leather boots combo. Comfortable, yet stylish. I have to imagine that if I was wearing sweatpants and ugg boots, this lady would not have thought twice about offering up this valuable contact.

Whatever the occasion, at this point in your life, you are an adult and a budding professional. Look the part so you feel the part! This way you will be confident to express yourself in any situation, and others will notice. 

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