Monday, April 16, 2012

One Door Opens as Another Door Closes

By Lauren Farmer

Im slowing starting to come to the harsh reality that my college days are numbered. It doesn't seem like I only have 2 more weeks left of classes here at Purdue and only 4 weeks until I walk across that stage and receive my diploma. Although I am experiencing all these "lasts", last time I will ever have a class at Purdue, my last Grand Prix, my last project, etc. I never stopped to realize that this end leads to a beginning.

Now, beginnings can be really scary. Being the new person is never fun. I know this because I moved around a lot as a child and had to get used to being in a new place and adapting to that environment. And now I am going to have to do it all over again, but in the workforce, not school. But, once the scary transition stage is over, I will get to enjoy being an independent person and using all of my knowledge from the past 16 years of being in school.

It seems that we have lived a long time and seniors always joke about how old we feel and think we are. But really, this is only the beginning! We are going to be fresh meat in the "new world" we are about to enter. So rather than thinking about the end of everything, lets try to think about how many new things lie ahead of us. It may seem scary, but it'll all be worth it. I know I would be so much more scared if this internship didn't prepare me for what is ahead, but I feel lucky to know more about the career world and how to leave college with a grasp on what to expect. And as scary as it is to leave this place of comfort and support, we all have to leave the nest sometime. So bring it on world!

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