Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Keep Calm and Carry On

By: Cristin Coons

My summer internship has been a true learning and growing experience. From my first day through now, nearing the end of my time with LACD, I have developed a stronger sense of who I am (and can be) in a professional work environment and I have become more confident in my abilities as an employee. It hasn’t always been like this. I can remember interviewing for internships earlier this year and being so focused on getting one that I allowed my nerves to take over in the interview process. By the time I interviewed for LACD, I knew that I had to remain calm and focused in order to impress the panel and I had a much more successful experience because of it. So here are a few tips on how to remain calm, cool and collected when in the interrogation…I mean, INTERVIEW, room. 

Take a Deep Breath
Sounds cliché, but it definitely works. You may have had a hectic commute to the office or maybe you had trouble locating the correct office but you finally arrived and have some time to spare before they call you in. So take advantage of it. Go to the restroom, run some cold water over your shaky, sweaty palms and look in the mirror to check that everything still looks as great as it did this morning. Then, take a deep breath. Reassure yourself that you can walk in there and impress your interviewer. If you tell yourself you can, chances are that you will. Or you will at least have a better chance than if you went in already doubting yourself. 

Really Listen to the Question
You may think you’ve heard every interview question there is out there. But your interviewer could take you by surprise and ask something you’ve never even thought about before. Be sure to listen to the question and allow yourself a moment to construct your answer (not a dramatic pause, but a second or two to compose your thoughts). This way, your response is one they will remember as being eloquent and well-spoken, not one that didn’t even answer the question. 

Remain Positive
Even if you think you bombed a question or you forgot your interviewer’s name, remain positive. A positive attitude can do wonders in any situation and there’s no exception for an interview. Walk out with your head held high and be proud of what you just accomplished—some people didn’t even make it as far as you did in their job search. A genuine smile and handshake at the end of the interview could be that little extra that gets you called back or maybe even the job. 

For more tips and interview expertise, check out LACD’s career handbook at or stop in Beering room 1114 to make an appointment with our director, Lisa Lambert Snodgrass.

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