Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Study Abroad

Like most college students, I dream of traveling the world one day. I want to experience as much of it as I can. However, I have yet to attend a study abroad fair. Like most college students, my life is extremely busy, studying abroad can put a heavy strain on my income for the semester, and lets face it....I'm scared about leaving my friends and family for an extended period of time!

But this way of thinking needs to stop right now for me. While it may seem like there are many challenges when trying to study abroad, there are countless benefits that come along with it that outweigh all the negatives. Here are four simple reasons why studying abroad during college will be one of the best decisions you make in your life:

1. International Experience
When you get the opportunity to experience how other cultures work and operate, it gives you a more worldly experience. You can bring this experience with you into your future career, which will give you countless advantages later in life.

2. Your Resume Will Stand Out
Not many students can say they have lived outside of the United States for an extended period of time. And in this day and age, every little experience that helps you stand out to employers can be beneficial. Employers will recognize that studying abroad takes time and determination, and this will make you a better candidate for any position you are seeking.

3. Networking
We you travel abroad, you have to opportunity to meet new people who live all over the world. Building a large professional network will help you establish yourself professionally on a much larger scale than your peers. And also, who couldn't use more friends, right?

4. Have Fun!
This might be your only opportunity to live somewhere outside of the United States, so take advantage of it. Don't let something as important and studying abroad pass you by!

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