Friday, September 28, 2012

You are not just your major.

By Yameng Zhang

“Hi, I am Yameng, a communication major senior.”
Do I only have the skills my major suggests? I don’t want to say yes.

One of my classmates told me that he got an interview a sales position in an electricity company. I asked "why did you go for a sales position? You are a PR major."
“Because I can be a salesman as well."

Your major won't decide your specialty, neither YOUR job market; don't take this the wrong way, because what I am saying is a positive thing.

-          Don't be limited by your major.
Nobody says people who study engineering can only be engineers.
You are the one who knows what you can do.
How specialized you are depends on the way you market for your professional brand.
Explore your specialties based on your experiences, not your major.

-          Don't eliminate all the non-major options.
Narrow down your job searching scope by your experiences, not you major.
Look at the job descriptions instead of the title of the positions.
There are always more options than you think.

-          Don't let your major say things about you.
Market yourself on the direction you are looking for.
Emphasize what you are proud of, not the specialties your major labeled.
What you learned in school is not the only things you learned.
You can do more than you think you could.

-          Don't be shy to take on new things
Enthusiasm matters and that can be something that you are actually good at.
Go with your instincts, not let your past experience lead.
Every class you took in school was new at the beginning; you nailed it, which means something.
If you are looking for a job, you know you want a transformation to your life, why not try something new?

I have to say no, I can deal with math, I studied culture differences with my eyes, I know how to make a movie, I have an unique sense for antique, I can use Adobe Illustrator to make name tags, I can write blogs, I learned how to make career suggestions from my boss......

You have to admit you are more than your major, start exploring your other "majors". And don't forget to give the recruiters a preview of your potentials, marketing may not be your major, but marketing yourself should be something you nailed before job searching. 

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