Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Staying Classy

By: Justin Villa

I am currently writing this during what it is perhaps the busiest week I have had at college in 8 semesters. This is due to school, curricular activities, and most importantly our Career Week. It has been a chaotic week, but also the most helpful in terms of career development. All of the speakers have done an excellent job portraying the work world and how to find your place within this. What I am most excited for this week is our Career Expo, where over 35 companies will be attending; giving Liberal Arts students an opportunity to put everything Career Week offers to practice.

One of the events that I am proud to be working with is our Suit Up: The Challenge. It gives students the chance to find out what is and isn't acceptable to wear in the professional world, and we are having someone teach how to tie bowties!! This event is a great way to learn how to look classy in the work world. And here are some tips to further this classy attitude gentlemen:

A Versatile Suit

Whether you suit up for work every day, or only on special occasions, you need a suit that exudes sophistication. A timeless two-button, notch lapel gray, black, or navy suit looks refined and will continue to for years to come. And please, don’t skimp on the tailoring. You can look like you inherited your dad’s suit if it doesn’t fit properly.

Basic Button-Up

Don’t get us wrong, we love dress shirts in bold hues, but a white button-up is a classic that belongs in everyman’s closet. Sure, you probably already have one—but since they don’t look fresh forever, you should have at least a few at your disposal. Your boss can spot the difference.

No White T-shirts under light-colored dress shirts

Let’s assume you’re a sweaty dude who wears undershirts because you worry about sweating through your button-up. Your best bet is a heather gray v-neck shirt. A close runner-up would be a heather gray a-shirt. Why? Both options are closer to your natural skin tone, and won’t show as clearly through a white or light-colored dress shirt… Basically, gray blends better with your skin, whereas white stands out, even underneath.

V-necks are better than the standard crewneck in case you plan on loosening your tie and unbuttoning that top button. You don’t want the ribbed collar of your crewneck poking through; that just screams “sloppy”. Make sure to buy undershirts that are fitted and form to your body so you don’t have excess fabric bunching and billowing when you tuck in your dress shirt.

Cut the Hair

Talk to a professional you trust. Most humans don't have a clear concept of their head shape. Find a stylist with a cut you admire (or ask a friend whose hair you like). They will be able to give you realistic suggestions about length, texture, and product options. When in doubt, ask a female friend with good taste. She has noticed your hair and has ideas about where you should go, I promise you.


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