Friday, March 22, 2013

Cultural Awareness

In just under two hours, our LACD team will be meeting the delegation from Cartegena, Colombia and I am so excited to finally meet all of them. This has been a long process, but I know in the end it will be worth the time put in. One thing to realize though is that their different culture has major effect on lifestyle and communication, something our team will have to keep in mind when entertaining the visitors. As a human relations communication major, I have learned a thing or two about communication style with various cultures and here are some tips to pay attention to.

Geert Hofstede is a leading researcher in cultures and has developed tools to help understand different cultures in a better light. Using his dimensions, I will explain how to assess cultures and use this knowledge to  provide tools for effective communication.

Collectivism vs Individualism
Colombia has more of a collectivistic nature, meaning more group identity rather than individual identity. Usually cultures with this nature prefer to work together and also achieve success that is shared. Knowing this quality will help when trying to see members may want to spend time in another country. Engaging in a very personal way may make them uncomfortable, so aim for more group activities and settings.

Power Distance
Power distance refers to the possibility of movement to higher positions and how accessible this movement is to lower ranks. Given Colombia's high power distance, the positions of members are earned and respected in society more than they are in America. When interacting with the members who have earned these positions, formality is key. Use titles whenever and avoid just saying their names unless a prior relationship was formed over time and permission is given.

Masculinity vs Femininity
High success orientation and drive is characteristic of the masculine Colombia. Their mindset is focused on success and achieving goals rather than focused on emotional balance and expression. Being collectivistic means focusing on success of groups they belong to instead of individual success. Sometimes cultures with masculine features will sacrifice leisure time as well as it fits the group dynamic and decision

Understanding different facets of another culture will help with effectively communicating with members of that society. I will definitely be using the knowledge about Colombian culture and society when interacting with the students and faculty while they are here visiting.

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