Monday, April 1, 2013

5 Tips for Design Students

By: Samantha Werry

All students in or going into graphic design should know these simple tips. Some of these tips come from a recent graduate out in the work world who is now a reviewer. He gives us fellow designers some great tips and suggestions to keep our design ways fresh and new. Like myself, designers always need to stay on top of the design world and practices out there. These 5 tips are just a small way of improving our knowledge of the design world.

Tip 1: Do not be afraid of the web

Internet development is growing! From my experience, we have only had a little work with web development, but I loved it! I am one of the few who actually WANTS to code! The Internets will not bite, I swear! The majority of classes out there are for some sort of print, but not much web. I know Purdue has web classes, but you do not have to learn only in school. But a book and take a crack at it! It is really important to at least understand how to design for the web, even if you cannot code a web page. Also, you absolutely NEED an updated portfolio website to showcase your work.

Tip 2: Do not be afraid to experiment

Go crazy! Make crazy, out-there, weird, scribble type, violate hierarchy rules, break the grid, and include hand drawn elements with vector elements. In classes, you are learning design principals so why not break them to see what is really wrong? Learning how they are wrong is a great way to go about things as well to really see why the right way is the “right way.” Design school is when you get the most freedom. You are the client and have to please yourself with the help of your teachers. Experiment with different design styles. This will help you learn and grow as a designer.

Tip 3: Always have business cards, and always carry them with you

It is a missed opportunity if someone comes up to you at an art show and wants to learn more about your designs and you cannot give them something to help them find more of your work. Business cards are so cheap and easy to make! You can get 100-250 cards for about $20. Keep them in your purse, wallet, portfolio, car, or even your pocket! If someone comes to you and another designer and you do not have a card but she does, guess what? You will not get the job.

Tip 4: Take your class projects further

It cannot hurt! Doing this will only further your skills as a designer and at the same time make you stand out as an over achiever to further employees. Say you were assigned a magazine cover and spread, why not design the rest of the magazine and make it look as complete as possible? Take a logo design assignment and further the identity and design a website. A goal every designer should have is to take a project farther. Always have extra examples than not enough. It shows you are passionate about what you are doing and that you want to achieve something greater. Do not be afraid to mention that you went above and beyond and took something further in a job interview.

Tip 5: Make a habit of talking about your work

If you are a graduating senior like myself, you need to make a habit of talking about your portfolio. Go to your teachers and ask for a portfolio review. It is a great way to practice for job interviews as well as learn about what needs to be improved in your portfolio. Also, practice around non-designers. A lot of the times when you are looking for jobs, HR departments will interview you and they will not understand designer lingo. So it is always best to practice around multiple different types of people.

Overall, designers need to do their best to stay on top of current design trends. Look up new information, do not be afraid to learn, and further yourself anyway you can. The best designers take an extra step to make them stand out in any way. Do not be afraid to do what needs to be done.

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