Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Finding Ways to Let Loose

By Corinne Feight

I think that everyone by now feels the pressure of another semester coming to a close. For many of us Liberal Arts majors this means that final projects are bearing down on us and we’re scrambling to try and pull something together we’re not ashamed to show people and are maybe slightly proud of. How is it that one whole semester never seems like enough time? Regardless, as we’ve probably figured out through various other situations in our life (heartbreak, burnt food, and childhood, in general) we can’t turn back time or slow it down, so the semester plows on ahead. Still, it’s important that we having something to turn to when the steam fills up our heads threatening to take them clean off our shoulders.

Being a Resident Assistant at Windsor means that I have entered the stretch when my superiors are trying to prepare the rest of our staff and I for all of our residents’ stresses. This means that we get a head start on the worrying…lucky us. However, we had a speaker come into our staff meeting last week to talk to us about finding what works to combat this looming mental breakdown. Where are the places we go or the outlets we turn to? I was surprised by how many of the answers given I could relate to and thought I would pass a little of this stress-free knowledge off here. Take my advice or leave it, but I hope you find what works for you.
  1. Exercise. This is the age-old recommendation, right? “You’ll feel better if you hit the gym,” we always hear. Yet, there might actually be some grounding to this theory. It not only provides a distraction from what’s worrying you, but it also allows you to get out your frustrations (in a healthy way). The endorphins exercising gives you also boost your productivity, thus making you able to get more things done, not less. Additionally, we all don’t really have any viable excuses since it had been so gorgeous outside. Now I’m not saying you need to sign up for the closest marathon. 1) You don’t need to take on any more commitments and 2) don’t overdo it. Try, instead, jogging outside or running the stairs at Ross-Ade. You’ll figure it out.

  2. Listen to Music. If any of you know me well enough, there is almost never a moment during the day that I’m not blasting music from my room or listening to it through my headphones. I have created a perpetual soundtrack for my life that never stops playing. This is my de-stressor. No matter what I’m doing, what task I’m working on, or where I’m traveling to next, music allows me to feel better about it and relax a little. Now, the songs you listen to will be your own, but each of us has that playlist or band that vibes with us the best, and even on our darkest days brightens us a little. Use music as your constant companion. I also like this method because I can be doing other things at the same time so it’s not counterproductive…unless you let yourself to indulge in the occasional (and necessary) dance session.

  3. Vent Sessions. Who said our friends and family weren’t good for anything? Use them to get your worries off your chest. So many people keep all of their emotions bottled up, which can only make things seem way more severe or stressful than they might actually be. Take a break and talk to the people closest to you. Chances are they have gone through a similar experience and might have some advice for you or are just good to sit and listen. Either way, at the end of it, you no longer feel like you are going to explode and have most likely mentally built a plan to accomplish what you need to do. Talking things out has a way of helping you see things more clearly. Don’t take this easy outlet for granted.
Again, I’m not trying to force my advice on the masses. I just hope that on the brink of finals (and for some of us Dead Week, which is not so dead) you find something that works for you and helps you get away from all of the stressors in your life. Quicker than you know, all of these projects and exams will be over and us college kids can go back to doing what we do best…procrastinating and doing absolutely nothing. Hellooo summer.

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