Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Start Your Day the Right Way

Why is breakfast the most important meal of the day? Breakfast has been proven to increase brain function throughout the day, including memory and test taking skills, and has also been proven to lower risk of disease and weight gain.  I know that if I were only able to eat one meal out of the day, I would eat breakfast. It sets the tone for the entire day. When you wake up you are tired and need energy to get your day started. Breakfast is a great Segway from getting out of bed to actually waking up. Breakfast should be the largest meal of the day because you then have the entire day to burn the extra calories you took in when you woke up, unlike dinner when you typically go to sleep a few hours after eating. You may be wondering, what does this have to do with my career? Well, everything.

Not only is breakfast essential in starting your day out right, but it contributes to the rest of your daily activities and brain function. If you wake up in the morning with enough time to get ready for a normal work day, and have time to eat breakfast, you shouldn’t feel rushed. Eating breakfast every morning is a great way to make sure you have extra time to wake up and be fully prepared for the rest of the day. If someone wakes up within 20 minutes of having to leave for work, they are probably not eating breakfast, and probably feeling very rushed for at least the first half of their day, if not the entire day. Breakfast is calming and energizing at the same time. WebMD says, “Time invested in breakfast is much more valuable than the few extra minutes of sleep you might get by bypassing the morning meal.” The value lies in what happens for the rest of your day, and your productivity and attitude. If you want to be successful, to be productive, to be the best at what you do, then start from the beginning. That means start from the beginning of your academia, your career, and your day. The best way to start your day, is to start with a healthy breakfast and a positive mindset. Wake up every morning, say ‘thank you’ and eat a healthy breakfast. This is how to jumpstart your day, your career, your life.

Written by: Bronwyn Huddleson

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