Thursday, February 20, 2014

Embrace Minimalism for a Better Lifestyle

Written by: Bronwyn Huddleson

Things, things, things. How important are all of your material things? I think about this on occassion, when I am doing a quick clean in my room or closet, but I don't do it regularly enough to comprehend so many of the material items as anything more than just that, (empty) things. A lot of the things I have do not hold a special importance, and most of it I haven't touched in months.  I am a very organized person, but that doesn't mean I do not have clutter and confusion sometimes. Well, I stumbled upon some great advice that really made me feel more motivated to further my cleansing, by really evaluating the things I have and their true importance.
I recently discovered an article from discussing 8 ways to declutter your life and maximize your happiness and well-being. This article opened my eyes and my mind to so many possibilities for a much more calm lifestyle, less stress, less clutter, less things in general because I can slowly but surely free myself of these material items I once thought held a deeper meaning. Not only has this helped me cleanse my life, but it is better preparing me to take on bigger tasks, such as a long-term career. I feel more capable of embracing difficult situations and determining what is important to me, not just in general but also for my career path and my future altogether.

 Now I want to share this information (from with everyone, because a more minimalistic lifestyle makes for a happier life:

1. The Morning Meditation
Start your day off on the right foot. Strengthen your embrace of minimalism beginning with the mental game. Make the pre-commitment to put in place these minimalistic habits as the day progresses.

2. The 1-Year Rule
If you have not touched an item in the last 12 months. Donate it, give it away, or throw it in the trash.

3. Borrow Before You Buy
Before making the purchase, consider whether there is someone in your network of friends and family who may have the item you need.

4. The 2-Minute Tidy
If you are able to tidy an area up in 2 minutes- then drop everything and do it.

5. F.O.C.U.S.
Follow one course until success. Predominantly another productivity tool, multitasking also has a way of cluttering your lifestyle when you have too many jobs going on at one time.

6. Give & Take, Take & Give
Have designated places where things are to be neatly put away. Clutter happens when items do not have a home.

7. The Daily Time-Out
For at least 30 minutes a day, disconnect from all forms of social media. Embrace solitude and allow your mind to declutter itself.

8. The Online-Offline Relationship
Similar to the interconnected example of the car with homeowners, your online habits also reflect and connect with your offline lifestyle. Get a USB and save everything externally.

For more details and full article, click HERE

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