Monday, June 23, 2014

Get on the Right Track: Track Your Progress

Carla Certeza

When sending out your resume, it is important to track your progress. Start by deciding what kind of job you are looking for and figuring out what companies you want to work for. Research companies in the area if you are planning on staying close to home, or companies abroad if you are looking to travel. Also, think about when the job will take place and your availability at that time. Don't just look for companies that are hiring. If a company that you have always wanted to work for isn't hiring, you can at least get your foot in the door by reaching out to them; they might even contact you when they are hiring in the future.

After researching, compile a list of at least 10 companies. Make an excel spreadsheet with the following categories:

1. name of company
2. mailing address
3. phone number
4. email address
5. website
6. name and title of contact person
7. other info specific to company
9. progress

Continue researching to fill out categories 1-8. The box for "progress" is to keep track of the progress you have made with the company. In this box, you can add notes like, "no response," "contacted for interview," "offered position," etc. These notes prompt you to take the next step. For example, if a company contacts you about an interview, you should get back to them with your availability, then write that you responded to them on your spreadsheet. Make sure you keep track of the dates that these events occur and constantly update your notes. You don't want to be following up a month later because you forgot when you initially contacted a company.

Making a spreadsheet is beneficial because all your progress is organized in one place. You can even color code boxes depending on if a company responds to your initial email, or if you get a job offer. That way, you can easily determine the overall progress you have made with a company just by glancing at your spreadsheet.

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