Monday, July 7, 2014

Letters Leave an Impression

Carla Certeza

It's pretty much common knowledge that a resume gets you an interview, and an interview gets you a job, but these are not the only factors that employers take in to consideration during the hiring process. Give yourself an advantage by utilizing cover letters and thank you letters.
A cover letter is a short, one page introduction that you send with your resume. Cover letters allow you to make a first impression without actually meeting with the employer. A cover letter adds a personal touch to your resume. So many applications are received by companies every day. With a cover letter, you are able to stand out in a sea of resumes.

A thank you letter comes in to play near the end of the hiring process. A thank you letter should be sent within one day of when your interview was conducted. Not only does it thank your interviewer for taking the time to meet with you, but it allows you to reiterate why you would be a good candidate for the position you are applying for. Thank you letters provide you with another chance to leave an impression after your interview. You can even do damage control if you didn’t make the impression that you wanted during your interview. Whether your interview went well, or not so well, thank you letters give you the opportunity to increase your chances of being hired.

Sending cover letters and thank you letters demonstrate to your, hopefully, future employer that you are thorough, you take initiative, and you go the extra mile. They can make the difference of whether or not you are called in for an interview or hired for a job. In many cases there are several qualified candidates for a single position, but by writing a cover letter and thank you letter, you give yourself the upper hand and have a greater chance of being selected.

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