Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Handling Criticism Professionally

By: Emily Larrabee

When I first started here at Purdue, I have to admit that my professional skills were weak. My resume writing was sub-par, my interview technique were decent (but not great), and my networking ability only consisted of me speaking to people my parents knew. BUT, the skill I lacked the most was being able to handle criticism. Me striving to be perfect was impacting my professional career in negative ways. No one likes being criticized, but with every negative interaction, there is a silver lining. Criticism allows for you to grow positively in the long run. When you allow feedback on your work, it opens a line of communication that helps improve the working relationship among your peers. So, how can you handle criticism if you're struggling? Here are 4 tips to help you handle criticism professionally. 

1. Criticism will help you grow

Constructive criticism is one of the most important aspects to growing as a company and as a person.  How would you know what to improve or change to make your product better if you were never given any feedback? The answer is you wouldn’t. Remember, it is nothing personal. Your boss is trying to help you and the company succeed. They are trying to run a business. 

2. Listen, do not defend

At the end of my internship, my boss conducts end of the year evaluations. One of the points my boss addressed was that I get somewhat defensive when given feedback. To be honest, I was shocked. I had never seen myself as someone who would get defensive. Professionally, it is one of the worst things you could do when given feedback. According to Sacha Strebe, a blogger for MyDomaine, she says that if your co-workers or boss are worried about giving you feedback because you get emotional or defensive, thats a red flag on your end. Again, it is NOT PERSONAL. Always remember that. 

3. Process what you heard

Sometimes, feedback can come out of no where. Sometimes, it can seem unfair. Before responding emotionally, process what was said. Once you have processed the feedback, respond professionally to their critique. There are two sides to every story so they may have seen something that you didn’t. Think before you act. 

4. No matter the criticism, keep calm

According to Sacha Strebe, "Losing your cool is never a good look, wherever you are, so please do not let your boss or colleagues see you get angry". Save the anger for at home and vent to a friend or family member. Keeping calm shows that you can handle high- stress situations. Be sure you have mastered this skill before you enter the workplace. 

For more information or blogs, check out Sacha Strebe at

Strebe, S. (2015, July 31) . How to Handle Criticism in the Workplace. Retrieved From:

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