As a college student, we are encouraged to get involved in
as many things as possible to build our resumes, networks, and opportunities
for experience. Though sometimes, I think we sign up for things just to say
that we did it. It becomes a competition to see who has the busiest schedules,
the most job interviews, or the most meetings in a week. We are addicted to
being busy and proving our worth to others. With our agenda planners full of
information and prior commitments, I think it is important to remember to take
a few seconds to find a balance between working for a goal and simply relaxing.
Here are a few things that I think everyone should make time for in their
hectic schedules:
SLEEP: This is something that I think all
college students take for granted. Just like eating well and exercising, sleep
is vital to our health. Staying up until 3 AM to type a paper for your 9:30 A.M.
class is never a good idea, for both your mental and physical health. Work
ahead so you can get a little shut-eye.
Call your parents: Sometimes when your to-do
list is looking like it will never end, the best thing you can do is to take a
minute to call your mom on the way home from class. My mom always helps me look
at things more realistically, and reminds me that when you prioritize, the big
picture will always come together.
Talk to your friends: When I have a busy week, I
find myself grabbing a granola bar and skipping lunch to send out that list of
emails I need to finish up. Do not take the time you have with your friends for
granted. Even talking with your girlfriends during a 20-minute lunch break can
help you clear your head and reduce anxiety.
Catching up on the latest news: It baffles me
how much students do not know about the world around them. It is easy to feel
detached from reality and global issues when going through your daily responsibilities.
I subscribe to an email newsletter called The
Skimm that sends updates on the day’s hot topics. In less than two minutes,
you can be informed about the terrorist attacks in Paris or the impending
presidential elections.
While it is so important to get involved, remember to take a
deep breath and prioritize. Take time for the things that make you happy, and
not just the tasks that you can use as resume builders. You passion will show through
in enormous ways.
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