Welcome back, Boilermakers! After weeks of rest and
relaxation, I’m sure you are all excited (or incredibly stressed) as you begin
your first day of classes. At the beginning of a new semester, many students
make resolutions on ways to improve or better themselves. These resolutions
could be related to school, health and fitness, or, (as we would obviously
recommend), related to your career development.
I have created a resolution of my own this semester, and I
invite you all to give it a shot as well. As I spent countless days over our
holiday break aimlessly browsing Pinterest, I came across an article about the
“Miracle Morning” recommended by a blog named “As We Stumble Along.” The point
of a “Miracle Morning” is to wake up a little earlier to get a proper start to
your day, which will likely lead to more productivity. According to the blog, a
“Miracle Morning” is intended to “achieve confidence, wealth, happiness, and
success in every area of your life.” This obviously sounds like a lofty goal,
but the simple steps are as follows:
Silence: Take a few minutes right when you get
up to think and meditate. Focus on all of the great things that are coming your
way in the next 24 hours.
Affirmation: In the world we live in, it is so
much easier to focus on your weaknesses instead of your strengths. Take a
second in the morning to remind yourself that you can handle anything that
comes your way.
Visualization: Give yourself a few minutes to
daydream! You have already thought about what you need to get done during the
day and affirmed yourself with a little positivity. Now imagine the outcomes of
the tasks that you are about to complete.
Exercise: A lot of people probably cringe at
this one. Although waking up and spending some time at the Co-Rec is one of my personal
goals this semester, a full hour of strength training or on the elliptical does
not always sound ideal. Though, getting your blood flowing in the morning wakes
up your brain and will get you hyped for the day ahead. Even a few squats or
jumping jacks before you brush your teeth can give you instant energy to tackle
your day.
Reading: Take in some content! Read an article
online that you are interested in to stimulate your mind.
Writing: Journaling works wonders for your mental
health. It’s a good release, and is proven to help you achieve your goals more
quickly. Take a moment to write about your goals or how you are feeling that
Overall, the intent of the “Miracle Morning” is to take a
little more time to ease into your day, instead of hopping out of bed 10
minutes before class and racing out the door with a granola bar. Even though
waking up a little earlier may sound dreadful, getting a head start to your day
and giving your body some time to wake up can reduce stress and help you to
achieve your goals. So take some time for a “Miracle Morning,” and then get to
filling out those job and internship applications. To read the full article,
check out http://www.aswestumblealong.com/miracle-morning-perfect-college-morning/
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