Monday, March 5, 2012

Spare some change?

By: Nora Kish

Humans are creatures of habit. Most people are uncomfortable with changes in their routines or lives, whether they're big or small. Some people have a tremendous fear of the unknown and others welcome it and become excited by the thought of it. We should all try to strive for change in our lives, or at least welcome it. Change breeds innovation, uncovers new interests and passions, and opens up countless doors to countless opportunities.

Imagine your favorite restaurant. Think back to the first day you ate there. Now think about what you would be missing out on had you not tried that restaurant and stuck to restaurants you had been going to for forever before that. You would have never experienced what is now your favorite place to eat! This situation is applicable to all aspects of our lives - if we don't open ourselves up to change, we'll miss out. I'm not sure what's worse - missing out on great experiences, or never knowing what you missed out on.

In May, many of us - myself included - will experience one of the biggest changes in our lives so far: graduation. Instead of being afraid, be excited and embrace the new direction your life is about to go in! Change is life, and life happens whether you're ready for it or not so you might as well have a positive attitude about it and make the best out of what you're given. Life has too much to offer to be content with just staying in your comfort zone. Take advantage of what's out there and, if you don't go looking for change, at least welcome it with a smile when it finds you.

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