Monday, April 2, 2012

The Intimidation of Job Search

By Lauren Farmer

Dear Graduating Seniors,

As a fellow graduating senior, I know the stress and intimidation of finding a job for after graduation. Going through the process of finding a job can be confusing, stressful, intimidating, and all of the above. Some may be putting off this process because of these feelings. But, it is April and we only have a month left of college, so it is time to get motivated and start your search! Here are some tips for starting this process. First, make sure your resume and portfolios are updated and in tip top shape! This is going to be what you send to companies to give them their first impression of you. Make sure that it is tailored and in good shape to be sent out. Also, rather than the possible never ending search on job search engines scrolling through listings, make a list of companies that interest you and that you want to work for. Then use social media to get into contact with these companies. For example, tweeter or linkedin. Update your profile and start networking! Who knows who you will meet and the majority of people get hired through networking. If you are looking into a specific area to find a job, tailor your search to fit that. You can still network, but just be more specific in your search for the location you want. Finally, start thinking of references to list and people you know who could give you letters of recommendation so you are prepared when you go to interview with companies.

I know its a stressful process! But once its over and you find that job you can breathe a sigh of relief that you know you are set after you graduate.

Good luck!

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