Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What to do when you get sick

It’s a beautiful sunny day. The birds are chirping, and there’s not a cloud in the sky. Yet, as you wake up you realize something crucial. You’re sick! Now getting sick is going to happen to you one day or another, but there’s nothing worse then it being on a summer day. Especially if you needed to work that day too! Now before you let your world come crumbling down, here are a few simple things I do to not only alleviate my symptoms, but also to help smooth any worry I might have about missing work.

Assess the situation
First and foremost try to figure out how bad you’re really feeling. Are you in desperate need of medical attention, or can a few Dayquil get you through the day. Assessing the situation truthfully will help you weigh the pros and cons of missing work or school that day. Taking a day for yourself when your sick is fine, but you don’t want to waste all your sick days before you really need them!

Communicate with everyone
If you have decided that you need the day, make sure you communicate with everyone and anyone you had plans with that day. Especially if you are missing work! You want to make sure and go through all the appropriate channels and protocols so that a headache isn’t awaiting you when you return. Plus it is just plain rude not to let everyone know the situation you are in, from your boss to the friend you had lunch plans with, not communicating can cause more friction than you may want later. For the most part people should understand and they will appreciate knowing what is going on.

Rest and medicate
I don’t know how many times I used to stay home from school when I was younger and I didn’t actually rest! By not allowing myself to actually sleep I would usually still feel crummy the next day, thus forcing me to still feel bad when I had to go back to school. The same idea applies to your work, if you have taken the day to get better, then make sure that is what your doing. Go and buy the necessary medicine you need, and sleep. You wouldn’t believe how great you feel after actually taking a nap instead of spending hours watching daytime TV!

By following these few tips, you will not only feel better faster, but there also wont be trouble waiting for you when you make it back to work or school.

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