Friday, September 21, 2012

Graduate School?

By Yameng Zhang

Graduate school is an option that every college student would better make before the senior year. Like I said, it is an option, not a backup plan. Although this is that kind of option that has too many strings attached. Money, time, publications, competitions, grades, moreover, the worth of that master degree, those seem like the things that is nagging us in college, however, they will become more serious in graduate school, believe it or not, they might push you to new stress level before you know it.

There are things we’d better clarify for ourselves about graduate school.

1.       A master degree sounds better.
It is understandable that higher education is a mean to a better self. However, what we need to clarify here is that the degree may make you look better, but that should not be the reason you go for it.
2.       It is not a job pass.
We may have been told that it is easier to get a job with a master degree and employees with master degrees would be paid more than those who don’t have one. Well, that is not the case for all the companies. What we should keep in mind is that we may be giving up the 2 or more years of work experience over a master degree, and that work experience may worth more than the years in graduate schools.
3.       You are still in school.
This is crucial, especially for girls. There is a possibility that when you are still working late for your exams, your former classmates are making money, getting married and having kids. If that does not scare you, what about the fact that you will be mostly expending while they are earning like adults to build for their futures. Keep that in mind so that when people ask what you are doing, you can answer that you are in school proudly.
4.       You are happy or they are happy?
Don’t be too altruistic at this. Think legitimately and rational. If you are choosing graduate school to please someone, you will regret because it can be much harder than you thought. Having your loved ones at the first place is sweet and may make you a better person, however, keep in mind the commitment you will be giving, it is a state of life for the coming 2 or more years we are talking about.
5.       Do you do like studying as a student?
If your answer is yes and you are doing great in college, then I think you don’t need to read through this to get another view of graduate schools. If you need to think about the question, then you may need to think thoroughly by considering your expectation of a graduate school.

Don’t be the one who goes to a graduate school for the fear of the job market, because we have to come out of school someday. “Graduate school or not” is a question that is never too early to think about, because I know I would not like to go for a backup plan. 

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