Monday, September 17, 2012

How to Prepare for an Interview

Interviewing for a job can be one of the most intimidating aspects of searching for a job. Sometimes it feels like all interviews consist of are firm handshakes, fake smiles, and lots of difficult questions. In the past, I have had the opportunity to experience what it is like to hire someone. Last semester, I was able to help interview potential new interns, and I learned a lot from the experience. So here is the behind-the-scenes scoop on what employers are looking for:

1. Your Entrance
This may sound awful, but interviewers really do judge you within the first three seconds of meeting you. So make those moments matter. The best way to enter a room is with confidence and a smile. If you can get your interviewer to like you right away, you are off to an excellent start.

2. Do Your Research
Know what kind of position you are applying for. It looks extremely unprofessional when a person walks into an interview and has no idea what kind of services the company offers. Visit the company's website several times, and make sure you have a basic understanding of what kind of work takes place there. Also, if at all possible try to research the company's "personality." Every office has a specific vibe or feel, so make sure you hone in on that.

3. Be Passionate
If you are enthusiastic about the work, an employer will pick up on that. Companies want to hire people who enjoy coming to work each day, so if you prove that you are interested in the work you will be doing, you are much more likely to land the job.

4. Be Real
When you are asked a question in an interview, try to always give an honest answer. Interviewers can tell when you are just trying to say anything that will get you hired. Acting yourself in an interview is the best way to tell if this particular company is a good fit for you.

5. Stand Out
 Don't be afraid to let yourself shine. Be vocal about the skills you are good at, and explain how this will be beneficial to your employer. Chances are you are not the only person applying for the job, and you want to make yourself their best possible option.

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