Monday, October 22, 2012

Organizing Your Life

By: Maureen Corbett

Do you ever get that feeling that there are too many thoughts swimming around in your head to make sense of them all? I sometimes find that on a busy day I could just sit at my desk for hours, thinking about all the stuff I need to get done but never actually accomplishing anything. So how does one remain productive when they can't even make sense of their own thoughts? The answer lies in organization.

Organized thought is an efficient way to go about "de-cluttering" your life. Here are a few simple ways to keep yourself focused and stay on top of your workload.

1. Write it Down
If you don't do this already, you need to start now. Keep your calendar updated with when your assignments are due, and check it regularly. This way nothing can sneak up on you at the last minute.

2. Prioritize
I am personally a huge fan of check lists. I make sure that the most important assignments are at the top, and I check them off as they are completed. This way you can guarantee that you are always working on the most essential tasks first.

3. Time Management
Take the time to accurately assess how long each assignment will take you. This is extremely important because it allows you to know what you are dealing with. One of the main skills that employers claim young professionals need to improve on is meeting deadlines, so the earlier you start to practice managing your time efficiently the better.

4. Take Some Mental "Me Time"
Don't feel guilty if you are incredibly overloaded and need to take a break. Spend a half hour vegging out in front of the TV to clear your thoughts. This way once you get back to work you'll be energized and ready to go.

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