Wednesday, November 14, 2012

One Day, One Opportunity for Success

By Sarah-Jean Murray

Since I'm graduating this upcoming May, I've been focused on graduation and looking for jobs and my blog entries have reflected that. However, today I also want to focus on looking for internships. Working on the LACD newsletter has led to my introduction to the website One Day, One Internship. How did I not know of this resource before?! This is one of the best internship websites I've come across. The concept is simple, every day there is a new posting for an internship. These internships range through different careers and majors and there is a description accompanying each entry. This website was started by Willy Franzen who wanted to make the internship search process less tedious for college students. I encourage you to visit this website and take a look at some of the entries. You may find a company posting that interests you.

I could drone on and on about how internships are important to us no matter where we are in our college careers, and I will. I never want to stop encouraging my peers and classmates to seek out internships and opportunities. These experiences will separate you from the rest of the crowd and look good on your resume. I am shocked by how many students coast through college, doing the bare minimum and never seek further opportunities. How will you market yourself towards a future employer if you have no skills and you've had no experience? The process of getting a job will be considerably harder if your resume isn't dressed to impress. Internships are a simple way of achieving this.

And to those looking for jobs? This website can still help you. Some of the companies listed are also looking for more permanent positions to be filled. One Day, One Job can give you a good breakdown of the most recent postings as well as helping your job search by breaking down into categories such as location, career fields, and popular companies. Also don't forget that interning at companies often leads to a permanent job offer!

I encourage everyone to utilize these resources and actively apply to these job and internship opportunities. This is one more website that can help make the process of job and internship hunting much easier.

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