Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Think before you Post

By: Samantha Werry

If you are like every typical college student, you know what to think when I say social media. From what I have seen, everyone either has a Facebook, twitter or some other form of communication via the Internet. When people say they do not have Facebook or twitter, you look at them like they are a little green person from Mars because it is against our age’s social norm. But for the people who do have those social media sites, they are constantly reading, posting updates and posting photos. One thing people tend to forget about posting on social media sites is those posts can last forever, even if you try to delete it. The Internet will never fully delete anything. This is true because some people like to re-activate certain cites after a period of time.

I bet everyone here has a friend that always posts something depressing or something crazy that has happened in their life. I know when I see these things, I get tired of looking at their crazy, sloppy, drunken nights. If I am noticing these things and typically do not even care about seeing them, don’t you think people who want to look at your page like business recruiters will see them and think the same thing as myself? Think before you post. It will stay their forever. It is the absolute worst if those people leave their sites public for everyone to see.

For me, I am graduating at the end of the year and realize people will start to go to my Facebook for information. I do not want embarrassing pictures of myself posted all over my wall. It looks tacky and who would really want to hire me if I was the crazy girl. Overall, think before you post. I am not saying to not have a life and have fun, but I am saying to just stop, analyze if the situation is appropriate, and then post if everything seems ok. Just think if your little old grandma looks at your page and you have profanity everywhere. Do you think she would feel like you are a grown person or a child still? Overall, you can still have a great time, but realize if it is really that important to your life.

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