Monday, October 7, 2013

Just go for it

Traveling is second nature to some, while to others it is a foreign adventure.  For those who have traveled truly understand the importance of cultural diversity and the exploration and interpretation of it all. It can either help you or hurt you, and the way I see it is that it will help you if you do it, (if you travel), and it will hurt you if you don't. To travel is more of a learning experience than what most of us receive in a classroom, it shows us the real world and how we can adapt to it on our own. To be comfortable in the real world, you must be comfortable with the possibility of not staying in the same place for your entire life.  I do not mean that everyone must pack up and move from the town they grew up in, I am saying that everyone should pack up and adventure new cities and countries, new people and cultures, to be able to learn about the world around us.

Not only will traveling and exploring help with the understanding of ourselves and those different from us, but it will help us develop a better sense of direction for finding the career we belong doing. Many people give excuses for not traveling, such as they don't need to live anywhere else because they are happy where they are, or it's too expensive. These are excuses that are stopping people from becoming more intelligent and more personable individuals, it is closing there minds, rather than opening and broadening them. I have heard the excuses many times and I won't accept it because I know how much time, money, and other commitment it takes and I have been able to overcome these challenges due to its overall worth. The quality of life I feel after traveling and learning a new lifestyle and culture is powerfully worthy of everything that it takes to do it. College students think they don't have time to spend money and travel while they are in school, but they do not realize that they have twice as much time to do it now than they will in 5 years time after graduation. The experiences from traveling and exploring build your ability to work well in different environments and with different kinds of people. You grow to appreciate the diversity and the differences, rather than to dislike them and shy away from them. Embrace the changes, because life is about changing and it wouldn't be worth the trouble to work as hard as we are known to, in America, if we weren't able to be enjoying our work and learning from it so much, which is the kind of attitude we obtain as travelers and explorers of the country, and of the world. Don't stop traveling until you have seen all there is to see, and learned all there is to learn, while applying every bit of it to your life in one way or another, because consciously or subconsciously aware, the results are equally rewarding.


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