Friday, October 4, 2013

Mastering Your Inner-view

written by Tanvir Rahman

When it comes down to interviewing almost everyone freaks out and gets nervous, but over the years I have found some tips that can help get you more comfortable at the interview. There are many articles out there with many tips on how to interview but these are my personal tips that I have used and feel would benefit a lot of people.

Almost every interviewer looks for some kind of experience and I have found that the easiest way to get that experience is through clubs and organizations. Getting involved outside of class is one of the most important things to do while in college because it puts you in a work place scenario working on real life tasks and projects. The experiences and role you play in your club/organization can give you great work experience and also something to talk about during your interview. I often had big problems answering many interview questions but the more involved I got over the years, the more experience I made and became more able to answer those tough interview questions.

Your Inner-view
Another good thing to know for interviews is simply put, yourself. It is important that you reflect on yourself and ask yourself questions as to who you are and what you want. You need to know what are your strengths, weakness, and what you can bring to the company or job you are interviewing for. Most interviews are simply a time for the interviewer to get to know you and if you know what kind of person you are and what skills and strengths you have it will make the interview a lot easier for both you and the recruiter.

The biggest thing that will help you with interviews is getting enough experience and practice. The more you interview the more comfortable you will become at interviewing. When I first started interviewing I was always a nervous wreck but after every interview I saw myself getting better and better. As you interview more, you find it easier to put yourself in those situations. You also learn more about what questions are being asked and how you can better prepare for them in the future. It is never too early to start practicing and even mock interviews can help greatly.

So it is important to put yourself out there in clubs and organizations so that you can have some sort of experience. It is a simple easy way to find answers to those tough interview questions. You want make sure you know a lot about yourself because you’re in a way, presenting yourself to the interviewer. Make sure to practice and practice to get comfortable with interviewing making it easier to answer questions. Interviewing is all about conversation and talking about yourself. You want make sure that you know yourself well enough so you can master your inner-view! 

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