Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Getting that First Job

Written by Sarah Angley

At some point, whether it is during your undergrad or after
you’ve completely finished college, you will get that first
position in your field of work. By the time most of us enter
the "real world" and start working in our chosen field, we've
already had a job, maybe in high school or college. This is
not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about after going
through rounds of interviews, submitting work samples or
resumes or cover letters, and finally hearing back that yes,
you got the position that you have been working toward.

At some point you will get that phone call and you will realize
that all of the hard work you put in, all of that time and effort,
all of the organizations and classes you took that add to your
resume - it's all worth it.

For me, I got that call a few weeks ago. I didn’t realize in
advance how awesome it would feel. I have this internship
currently, which is work in the field I want to be in, but it
wasn’t the same. This phone call was for an internship that
could turn into a job in less than a year. It was for work out
in the big scary world off of Purdue's campus. Getting this
position has brought a sense of accomplishment and pride and
it reminded me that all of those hours spent studying and writing
papers and working on countless projects, all while handling a
management position in a café as well as this internship, was all
leading to something bigger - my life after college.

I think that that is easy to forget sometimes. We get so absorbed
in what is going on right now and how stressed out we are. I hadn't
ven realized that I had forgotten what I was working toward until
I got that email and it made me remember. I work my butt off for
this. And its worth it.

And you will have that moment too. We all will. That's why we're here.

So when it gets really hard to keep working on that third essay in two
weeks, remember why you are doing it. Its all for a greater goal. It
may not feel that way now, but this work has a purpose. Let that be
your motivation to keep working harder and keep going, to learn
and grow to become the best candidate that will sit down in front
of that hiring manager's desk.

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