Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Saying goodbye in the work place

By Neysa Herrera 

To say goodbye in your work place is one of the most difficult moments when you have established real friendship with some of your coworkers, and shared the most amazing experiences of your life with your supervisors and team.
During four months working with the Liberal Arts Career Development office I have grown enormously in my personal and professional life. It was a learning- challenging experience from the very beginning that make me realize how capable I am to go even further from I have already gone.

The first month of my internship, I was a scared girl wondering if she could ever be part of this new environment very different from the one she was used to. But there was one thing always on my mind: this was the opportunity to learn as much as possible about the work place and I was grateful to have it because I knew this experience will provide me with great skills and value and the job market that I always wanted.

Through the weeks a spent there, I was corrected many times by my boss and supervisor, and every time that happened I struggled a little but that wasn’t because I didn’t know corrections and mistakes were part of the process (that was something I have always had clear), that was because of my self-pressure. I am aware of the fact that I have always been a hard with myself since my motto in life is: “If you are going to do something, do it right”. Sometimes being that hard with ourselves, it not a good thing. Sometimes, you have to allow yourself fail to learn from your mistakes and have enough strength to not to struggle and just say: “ok. I have mistaken in this and I am going to work on solve it”.

At the end of this experience, this internship has made me closer to that person. I am personally and professionally stronger than I was four months ago. The fact that I had taken challenges and gotten through the obstacles have convinced me that I am more skilled and capable that I thought and for that I have to thank every single person I met along this journey. I have gained lessons that will stay with me the rest of my life. Also, I have built relations that I need to maintain for how valuable they are.   

So, at the end of this article, I woud like to say thank you to Lisa Snodgrass and Kathryn Travis, my guides in this path, Janna Parke, Bronwyn Huddleson, Maureen Corbett, Tanvir Rahman, Shelby Oyer, Ashley Wagner and Shahd Khawaja for providing me with this great experience. This is not a “good- bye” this is a “see you soon”.

Thank you!

Monday, November 25, 2013

A Healthy Balance

Written by: Bronwyn Huddleson

I have been a strong believer and doer of the phrase "A healthy body makes for a healthy mind"(in one form or another), and I want to encourage people to choose to take a lead and live a lifestyle that reflects this phrase. There are three things that I have discovered to be the most influential part of being happy and healthy all-around; eat healthy, exercise regularly, and RELAX. Those three factors to being healthy also balance out your happiness and I have noticed that the slightest increase in even one of those factors will start to improve your entire attitude, which in turn will improve your lifestyle.

1. Eat Healthy. As simple as this sounds, it is one of the biggest reasons people are not satisfied, either with their body or their work ethic. A poor eating habit will bring down your motivation, your strength, and your overall health. As I said earlier, a healthy body makes a healthy mind. Now, that is not the only factor keeping your mind healthy, but it plays an important role, and to be successful you need a healthy mind. Start eating healthy by cutting out fast food and other eat-out restaurants that don't give a good option of fresh food. A good start to adapting a healthy eating lifestyle is to buy food items that have no added sugar. The fake sugar is a huge factor in weight gain and unhealthy eating habits, (it is also one of the factors that makes you crave more). It is much easier to ease into new eating habits versus hopping into a diet that is a complete 180 degree flip from the way you had been eating which would make it much more difficult to adapt and accept the new habit for the long term. That is why I am not suggesting a diet, I am suggesting lifestyle changes, that will improve your health in your body and your mind, motivating you to become more successful.

2. Exercise Regularly. A lot of times people tend to assume that if they eat the right foods that their body is in excellent condition. That is not really the case, regardless of how much you weigh, you body needs exercise to stay healthy. You need muscle to keep your body healthy, because you need to be able to support yourself physically. Exercise can mean as much as walking one mile a day and doing some pushups and situps daily or at least 2-3 times a week. When your body is strong, your mind is strong, and you feel more ready to on challenges even if they aren't physically taking a toll on you, your physicality keeps your mind strong. Exercise is also a great way to relieve stress and clear your head. When you are feeling overwhelmed and you have a lot going on, go for a nice run, long or short, and you will feel significantly better. Exercise gives your energy and you feel more prepared to take on your challenges after you have released some endorphins and got your adrenaline pumping a little bit.

3. RELAX. Relaxation is something that most college students lose sight of, especially as you hit your senior(last) year and all you can think about is what you are going to do after you graduate. It is stressful, and you feel like you are taking on hundreds of tasks at once, how could you possibly stop and take a break when everything needs to get done? You need to be able to relax. That does not imply taking a 30 minute nap, or playing video games, or watching tv. True relaxation involves, you and your mind. Putting yourself at ease for even just five minutes can totally flip your vibe from freaking out to calm and composed. There are a lot of great methods, and relaxing will help you eliminate stress, which in turn keeps your mind healthy and attentive. When you clutter your mind with everything that is making you feel overwhelmed, your body loses touch with your mind, and your mind loses touch with the rest of the world, leaving you to feel like you are alone and taking on these ridiculous challenges with no time to think about the long term result. The long term result of letting yourself get overwhelmed and not allowing yourself a break to just relax is most likely going to be a complete breakdown. It may sound cliche, but the best way to relax and pull your composure together, setting your mind straight, and letting your body release its tensity, is to simply take a deep breath. Take a few deep breathes, really deep, and just let your mind be clear for those couple minutes of breathing. By the time you are done, you can sit back and look at everything in a bigger picture, then tackle it all with precision and composure.

Collectively, these three factors have been so influential on my physical and mental state that I have noticed a vivid difference in my lifestyle and the way it reflects my capabilities and success.

(For some great tips about relaxation and relieving stress, visit here:

Friday, November 22, 2013

How to Effectively Handle Email

written by Tanvir Rahman

Email has become a primary source of communication for most people these days and it can be easy to become overwhelmed by the number of emails in your inbox. In your career you’re going to be dealing with many clients and communication through email so it’s important to be able to handle your inbox effectively.

If your inbox has a high amount of mail, then it would be a good idea to prioritize the important emails from unimportant ones. If you can be doing something of value do not waste time with the emails that you are simply sending a reply to. You will just create more mail for yourself and not get much work done. Miscellaneous emails can get in your way as well. Delete messages that don’t require a response and/or from strangers. The key here is to make sure your essential job functions are being completed.

People can quickly get caught up in their inbox and a quick run through can turn into hours of lost time. Give yourself a limit on how long you will be looking at emails. Watching videos, reading articles, or any other learning should be set aside for later. Keep a folder of a to watch/to read list that you can go back to later.

Tough Emails
There are also the occasional tough emails, the ones that will demand a reply but also require some time for some thoughtful reply. Try saving those for later in the day so that you can quickly clear out your inbox and lighten your load. Another option is to skip email all together. You could also simply call or stop by in person to get immediate answers and not have to write that extensive email, saving yourself a conversation that could last the entire day or week.

Emails are also very easy to get cluttered and lost. If you have emails you need to save for later or have emails coming in everyday, it can be easy to become lost in your mail. There are many email clients out there so it is important to find the best one that works for you. Personally, I use Gmail because I find it the easiest way to stay organized. In Gmail you can set up different layouts of how you want your email prioritized. I have mine setup so that the ones labeled most important show up first. Gmail also allows you use labels and folders. Color coded labels help me stay organized visually and helps me access emails quickly. My Gmail is set up so that I have a group for important emails, and groups for my different organizations I am involved with. The rest of my emails follow. This can all be setup in the settings of your Gmail.

Start exploring to find what works best for you so that you can effectively handle emails!

Monday, November 18, 2013

What Goes In My Portfolio?

By: Maureen Corbett

The simple answer would be: your best work. But what does that mean? As a Public Relations student, I've struggled with the idea of a portfolio for most of my college experience. Portfolios have become an expected artifact when attending interviews, but I don’t necessarily have fancy and flashy design projects to show off like an interior design or graphic design student would have. This puts me in a difficult dilemma, but luckily, there is an easy way to overcome this challenge. 

If you’re building a portfolio for the corporate world, here are few items that would serve as good items to include:

1.       Writing samples
Include blogs you've written, class papers you’re proud of, or even sample emails written to a professional. Written communication skills are an essential task employers want to know students can accomplish, so make sure to show off your best work.

2.       Photographs
Sometimes the work students do doesn't produce a tangible product. If that is the case, have a friend document you performing a task and make sure to include it in your portfolio with a brief description. Examples would be photos of you public speaking, interacting with professionals, or working a large campus event.

3.       Budgets
Did you work on a project that required you to keep track of funds? If so make sure you include a copy of your budget in your portfolio. This will show employers that you know how to manage details and stay within your budget, which is a great skill to be able to master in the professional world.

4.       Website Screenshots

Do you manage a social media account? Have you reorganized content on a company’s website during your last summer internship? If so, this information belongs in your portfolio. Take a screen shot of the page you helped create, and make sure to include important information such as when you worked on it, who you were targeting, how many viewers it reached, etc. Data points such as this will stand out to employers. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Finals Week Stress Management

Written by Shelby Oyer

As scary as it is, finals week is quickly sneaking up on us. This year, students may be feeling the stress of finals even more than usual thanks to our late Thanksgiving. This means that as soon as we get back from break, we’re already into Dead Week. Holy cow. Time to start cracking down and prepping yourself for all of your finals! While it’s normal to feel stressed out during this time, it’s important to learn how to manage that stress to keep yourself healthy and working at your full potential.

Here are some tips on how to cope with stress:

1. Take time for yourself. It may seem like you don’t have a single spare second, but it’s important that you carve out some relaxation time into your study schedule. Take some time to take a break from your studying and do something fun. Take a walk outside, head to a coffee shop for a pick-me-up, spend some time chatting with friends—about anything but finals. Find whatever it is that relaxes you and be sure to take the time to do it.

2. Exercise. Everyone knows that exercise releases endorphins, which trigger a positive feeling in the body. Taking even 10-15 minutes for some low-level exercising (i.e. don’t get yourself all hyped up and aggravated by playing a competitive basketball game) can help you feel much more calm and positive.

3. Make a list. Writing down everything that needs to be done may seem overwhelming. However, if you get everything organized—when you have finals, what needs to be done for final projects, when you’re going to take time to study, etc.—you can start taking tasks one at a time and crossing them off until you find yourself at the end of finals week! This will ensure that you don’t miss anything, as well as give you a sense of satisfaction as you cross items off your list. 

4. Eat healthy. Pay particular attention to foods high in vitamin C. A recent study shows that “people who have high levels of Vitamin C in their system don’t show the normal signs of stress…” Plus, when you eat better, you feel better and when you feel better, you can study better and succeed. 

5. Ask for help. Whether it’s your professor, a study group, or a friend in a class, if you don’t understand something or just study better when someone can quiz you, don’t be afraid to ask! Getting all the help and answers you need will help you feel much more confident going into your finals.

These are just a few quick tips for managing your finals week stress. Keep an eye out for our December newsletter that will focus on many more study and stress management tips! 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

If You Were a Salad Dressing, What Would You Be?

By: Janna Parke

“If you were a salad dressing, what would you be and why?”

Well… I haven’t actually thought about this topic in a while, or ever. It is questions like these that really could throw you for a loop in an interview. How did I answer?

French. I would be French dressing, because it can be easily paired with a variety of toppings, such as craziness, croutons, carrots, cheese, or seeds. This relates to me, because I get along with a variety of types of people in the workplace and we work together to make the best possible outcome (aka salad).

Interview questions that seem “out there” are used to analyze how well the applicant can think on their toes, creativity, what techniques that are used to think, if they are open to new questions, and if the applicant is able to understand that there is no right answer.

It is important not to rush your answer. Taking time to think about the question and why they might be asking it is just as important as the answer itself. How does this question relate to my life and my role in the company?

Below are some examples of questions from The Guardian Careers, and how to answer them effectively:

How many people are using Facebook in New York on Friday at 2:30pm?
This question must have a factual answer, but the journey to working that out is complex. Think what it might mean to you in your role. If it's a digital marketing role, they may be testing your awareness of key audiences and how and when they use social networks. Alternatively, they could simply be trying to get an understanding of how important you think social networks are in working life. Think about all the factors that could influence the answer and talk them through step-by-step.
What do you think about garden gnomes?
Not all questions are serious. You might be asked a question like this to show your sense of humor in an otherwise formal situation. It's still worth thinking about the question though and how it might relate to your role. For example, you could say that you admire their reliability as they often stay rooted to the same spot. If you were going for an engineering or construction role you could question whether they have the right tools for the job and so on. 
Now try to answer these questions with a logical response:
1.     If you had to get rid of one state in the US, what would it be and why
2.      How would you explain making an omelet to a child?
3.     Who do you like best, your mom or your dad?
  1. How many times in one day do a clock’s hands overlap?
5.     Why are infographics so popular?
6.     If you were part of a bicycle, what part would you be and why?
7.   If you were given a free full-page ad in the newspaper and had to sell yourself in six words or less, how would the ad read?
Google "strange interview questions" and see what other questions people have thrown out there. I have only been asked a few crazy interview questions, but I have been prepared to answer, which makes a difference. Show the employer that you are able to handle a stressful situation with a strong response. Be memorable. 

Interview questions were found on this website:

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Importance of Alumni Panels

By Neysa Herrera Cuello

Alumni are ambassadors of their Alma Mater and are vital in the guidance of new students. This tye of events reflect the importance of networking also, they are crucial for undergrad students in joining organizations.

These networking events are an opportunity for students in undergraduate programas to learn about graduate students career path and to identify how alumni’s choices made during their in – college years have provided significant benefits to their work life. Alumni could be a good resource of information in discovering options in your college or major career.

College of Liberal Arts Alumni Advice Panel offers the opportunity to Purdue students to meet and greet young alumni with Liberal Arts degrees through a one and a half hour event, where students can do networking with outstanding graduates as they ask them about their experiences in colleges and made decisions throughout their career paths.

This event will be hold in Beering Hall; on Novemer 19th, room 1284; from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm.
All Liberal Arts students at Purdue University are invited. This is a great opportunity to start building your own career path.

If you need more information about the panelist and the entire event, go to:

Don't miss out!!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

I Will Make a Difference

Written by Bronwyn Huddleson 

             Purdue University Dance Marathon is an event that happens only once a year, and when it happens there is not one thing that can break my focus for those 18 straight hours. Now, someone may read that first sentence and think, "How does a dance marathon relate to a career?" So, I want to explain the answer.

I have never felt more prepared for life in general than after I experience PUDM for the third time. I was on the Morale committee this year, which is the heart and soul of the marathon, keeping everyone strong and energized For The Kids. I gained more experience with this organization than I have with most of my part time jobs. The vigorous time commitment, team atmosphere, volunteer opportunities to be more involved with a bigger community, the fundraising/donations process, and the actual 18 hour long marathon itself are all part of this life changing, positively impacting experience. The different skills that all of these different things have taught me, are beyond what any book or classroom can do. Not to say that I do not learn in classrooms, because I most certainly do, but everyone should understand that there is much more out there to learn from. One of the biggest things that I have been able to take away from PUDM is that the difference between seeing an experience and actually first handedly being in the experience is exponential and life changing. Not only changing for the lives of the children we save and the families we support, but life changing for myself, personally. I will be able to take away everything I have done and learned through my three years with PUDM and apply it to every new endeavor and career path I choose to encounter. I understand the feeling of pride, confidence, and support thanks to the dance marathon. I understand long hours, struggles, pain, and so much more thanks to the dance marathon. I understand that no matter what I tell people, the only way they will understand how I feel after the marathon, and how much it truly makes a difference in my own life and many others' is for them to experience themselves. No words do justice to what is gained from Purdue University Dance Marathon, but I promise to never deny the chance to try and explain for any and everyone else to comprehend.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Using Instagram for Insta-Success

written by Tanvir Rahman

Instragram has become one of the top social media apps in the game right now and more and more businesses, artists, and freelancers are taking advantage of this phenomenon. Popular users are gaining followers by the thousands and finding a lot of success and networking opportunities. The best thing about Instagram is that it shares pictures instantly and easily from your mobile phone. What I enjoy about Instagram is the photo sharing because you get a clear visual of what’s going on and a picture is worth a thousand words! Many professionals are using this to their advantage to gain followers, customers, and networks.

Instagram is a great way to showcase products, merchandise, or even just services. One thing most people don’t know is that Instagram is also a website where photos are highlighted and organized. This is a great easy way to set up a portfolio to showcase work. Instagram has made it very easy to scroll through pictures and view all you have to offer. Viewers can see what your profile is about in a matter of minutes making it a quick and easy viewing tool.

Behind the Scenes
Instagram is also a great way to take pictures of you or your employees working hard on that next project. Give your followers a sneak peak of what’s to come and get them excited for that next product. One of my favorite clothing brands always posts pictures of their upcoming designs which always makes me wanting to see more. Getting a look at what goes on behind the scenes also helps connect with your followers or customers. It invites your consumers into your daily life helps connect with them.

Instagram is also an easy way to hold contests and spread your brands name. Having people like, comment, and/or share a photo you post and then choosing a random winner is an easy way to get more people aware of your brand and it helps build incentive to follow you. It is also a free way to get your followers to spread your brand’s name. Posting coupons or sales is also a good way to get your followers attention. Active users are on Instagram almost every day and this is an easy way to let them know of any sales or benefits.

Instagram also allows the ability to share and explore pictures from all over the world. There are similar accounts to yours and exploring them is very easy through the use of hashtags. Using appropriate tags in your posts can help boost awareness of your profile and lead to more followers from all over the world. I remember earlier this year I helped an artist from Georgia set up her exhibition and she posted on her Instagram asking any Indiana followers to come help. About 10 people showed up the same day. Instagram is also a good way to explore other talented people or businesses. It is a good way to network and find people that have things in common with you. From my personal experience, I found a graphic designer from Argentina whose work I really enjoy. I get a lot of advice and inspiration from him, just through Instagram. Most businesses are public so it is easy to follow and connect with them.

So Instagram has many potential ways to build your brand. It is a great and easy way to connect with your consumers or followers and gain more recognition. Instagram is unique in that it is a photo sharing service all over world with so much to explore. Instagram is a great way to gain more consumers and connect with other businesses like yours with professionals from all around the world. There are many great ways to use Instagram for insta-success!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Few Words of Caution #Socialmedia

 By Shahd Khawaja

Due to the fact that this is a university affiliated page that is meant to help students achieve their career aspirations, it would be safe to assume that most readers are either about to start attending university, or are already in university. We are all young and lead interesting (relatively speaking) lives and with these interesting lives sometimes come pictures, comments, statuses, likes, and posts that can be fun…but also incriminating when seen by the wrong people. In this day and age people use social media not only to socialize with friends and family. It is used for publicity, to organize events and has even been used to start entire revolutions in various countries. Therefore it is no surprise that employers look at future employees’ various social media pages before hiring them, and no I am not only referring to LinkedIn. Employers check your Facebook, your Twitter- they check it all, and if you’re ranting about some drama that happened between you and your friends on Twitter, or posting pictures of all the parties you went to the night before, there’s a huge chance an employer might see that, and after that point you can kiss your dream position goodbye. Be careful and be smart about what you post, because even with your privacy settings, employers have their ways. That is not to say that you can’t share anything and must filter everything, but if you’re still 19, don’t go posting a picture of yourself with a red cup- even if it just has apple juice. Moral of the story, have fun and be smart about it.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Creating the Ultimate Business Card

By: Maureen Corbett
Even in this day and age when LinkedIn is a huge resource and online connectivity is readily available to almost everyone, business cards are still an integral part of one’s professional life.  Having one as a young professional can not only help you stand out among your peers, but it’s a great tool to have your contact information passed along to the right people who could hire you for a job/internship.

However, the idea of creating a business card can be daunting. Especially for those of us who wouldn't call ourselves creative, coming up with a logo that represents one’s professional brand is something most people would shy away from. Not to mention it can be difficult to decide which of your many modes of communication you want to include. Although the task may seem difficult, creating a business card is easier than it seems and has many rewarding payoffs. Here are a few tips to get you started:

1.       Enlist the Help of a Professional
If visual design isn't one of your strengths, utilize your extra resources. Whether it is a friend in graphic design, your co-worker who has an eye for color, or a professional who designs business cards for a living, having a second opinion can never hurt. Search for local businesses in your area that specialize in design and ask if they are willing to help.
2.       Keep it Simple….
Only include the information that is absolutely necessary. Don’t include your email address from 7th grade or your MySpace account that you haven’t looked at in years. Take the time to think about how you prefer to connect with people and include that information. Do you have a website or an online portfolio? Feel free to include that information as well. Just make sure you don’t overload your readers with too much information to the point where they don’t know  the best way to get in touch with you.
3.       …But Try to Stand Out.
Be visual. Play with different shapes, lines, color, etc. Use creative embossing techniques or print your business card on non-traditional media (ex: different textured paper, wood, metal, etc.) Think outside the box. Try and think of ideas that will spark conversation when you hand it to a potential employer
4.       Add Your Personality
Think about the type of work you want to accomplish and try to embody that in your business card.  A business is a small trace of yourself that you can leave with a professional to make a final impression, so make sure you are well represented.

If you want more tips regarding how to create the best business card, check out these links below: